Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Ash Borer Brings Trouble For Texas Trees!
Don't lose your Ash Trees in the upcoming Spring or Summer because of Emerald Ash Borer!
Emerald Ash Borer is responsible for killing millions of Ash Trees throughout the country. The Emerald Ash Borer, which is destroying Ash Trees in a large swath of the nation, has apparently also spread to different types of trees such as White Fringe Trees, Oak Trees, Elm Trees, and other Ornamental Trees, according to researchers. These trees grow wild in the United States from New Jersey south to Florida and west to Oklahoma and Texas.
In December of 2018, the Emerald Ash Borer was confirmed in Tarrant County, Fort Worth, TX, Southlake, TX, Flower Mound, TX, and Bedford, TX.
In May of 2020, the Emerald Ash Borer was confirmed in Denton County, Roanoke, TX, Argyle, TX, and Copper Canyon, TX.

Dr. Bob white can treat any kind of borers or beetles or any insect in trees and shrubs. - What happens when you take a minor “pest” that is generally controlled by its natural predators and put it in a place where it has NO predators? Disaster tends to strike! This is the case with the Emerald Ash Borer, and is in the United States, and now my fellow Lone Star-ians, Texas A&M Argi. Extension and the Forestry Service has confirmed cases right here in Texas, and it is not looking good so far. It is estimated that from the year 2012- 150-200 million trees have died from these pests. Several insecticide options are available to effectively treat landscape ash trees threatened by these pests. These insecticides fall into four categories: (1) systemic insecticides that are applied as soil injections or drenches; (2) systemic insecticides injected directly into the trunk (like giving a shot to a tree!); (3) systemic insecticides applied as lower trunk sprays; and (4) protective cover sprays that are applied to the trunk, main branches, and (depending on the label) foliage.
An application can be very tricky due to the nature of the beetles hiding underneath the bark. Save yourself the hefty fines and hire a Texas department of agricultural commercial applicator like Dr. Bob White owner of BW Insect Control and Tree Care, who is a licensed commercial applicator to treat these pests. Another reason to hire Dr. Bob White who also has treated the following pest: Clearwing Moth Borders, Ash Borer, Banded Ash Clearwing, Dogwood Borer, Lesser Peachtree Borer, Lilac Borer, Oak Borer, Peachtree Borer, and Rhododendron. By catching these early it can keep your trees and shrubs looking beautiful.
BW Insect Control & Tree Care is a premier provider of arborist services in Dallas Texas, metroplex and surrounding areas. With professionally trained arborists and knowledgeable tree experts Certified Arborist with International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Insect, Disease, and Injury Diagnosis. You can trust BW Insect Control & Tree Care for your tree care services for general, commercial & residential. It is our job to take care of your Texas trees.
What You Need To Know About The High Price Cost Of Having Your Trees, Roses & Shrubs Cut Down:
Before you pay for high-cost removal or have your trees cut down from Spider Mites, Oak Wilt Disease, Juniper Cypress, Leland Cypress,
Arizona Cypress, Siberian Canker Disease, Hypoxylon Canker, Sudden Oak Death, Dutch Elm Disease or any other insect or tree disease problem. Contact a Licensed
Applicator with years of Arborist experience like Dr. Bob White.
There is a good chance your tree can be SAVED!